
Énergique Édifiant Indie Funk Rock Stock Music

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"Template #" 244198
Тип: Stock Musique
Auteur: ikoliks
Téléchargement: 0
Mots clés: background game big sport intro rock cinematic action vlog uplifting trailer indie band film show funk brass vocal claps punchy stomp tv
Live Demo Acheter
Template # 244198
Type: Stock Musique
Auteur: ikoliks
Téléchargement: 0
Mots clés: background game big sport intro rock cinematic action vlog uplifting trailer indie band film show funk brass vocal claps punchy stomp tv
Couleur: black, white,

tags: action, background, brass, cinematic, film, funk, game, indie, intro, rock, sport, trailer, vocal, vlog, uplifting, stomp, punchy, big band, tv show, claps,

audioFilesIncluded: MP3, WAV,

vocals: Background Vocals, Vocal samples,

Sujet: Hip-Hop, Rock, Pop, Funk Groove, Soul R&B,

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